Local dental laboratories

Did you ever stop to think that when you are choosing your dentist you are also choosing his technicians who will be making your crowns veneers etc. That’s pretty amazing as 99% of patients don’t take the time to choose their technicians in the same way that they chose their dentists.

It’s the technician who is actually making the crown etc. so what people will see is his work! Of course he can’t do a good job if the dentist hasn’t planned and executed the preparation and impressions to perfection.

We use the best dental laboratories and work closely with the dental technicians to achieve an outstanding result. For cosmetic cases we will arrange for you to meet the technician to discuss the shade and shape of the restoration.

This way, if there is something you don’t like then the dentist, the technician and the patient i.e. you, can discuss it so that you are happy with the final result.

To book a consultation call 020 8458 1611
or fill in our enquiry form here.